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Mmofra mmofra Ghana Children’s rhyme

Mmofra mmofra is a popular rhyme song in Ghana.

mmcfra mmcfraMmofra mmofraChildren Children
yEs auntiEYes auntieYes auntie
mmcfra mmcfraMmofra mmofraChildren Children
yEs auntiEYes auntieYes auntie
tEa noC wc hEC?Tea no wo he?Where is the tea?
yanoCmYanomWe drunk it
paanoCoC noC wc hEC?Paanoo no wo he?Where is the bread?
yEdiYediWe ate it
kuruwa noC wc hEC?Kuruwa no wo he?Where is the cup?
yabcYaboWe broke it
iyi WEC mEC kotiEIyi dze me kotieThat I will not accept
yepa QewYepa kyewWe beg you
iyi WEC mEC kotiEIyi dze me kotieThat I will not accept
yepa QewYepa kyewWe beg you